...the University of Texas mascot, that is...
AUSTIN — On the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech shooting massacre, about 300 University of Texas students marched to the state Capitol to protest bills that would allow concealed firearms on Texas college campuses.The UT mascot now, of course, is the longhorn. Maybe they ought to change it to the sheep, because it seems to fit so much better. I've always been more of an A&M fan, I'll admit it, but now I'm just flat disgusted with the UT student body. I know there were counterprotesters at this rally, but still..."Remember VT?" How about "Remember UT '66," when students with firearms in their cars helped limit the carnage by making it more difficult for bell tower shooter Charles Whitman to take aim? Or how about "Remember Pearl High School" or "Remember the Appalachian School of Law?" I see our old friend John Woods made an appearance here too...
The rally at the Capitol steps included a bell tolling 32 times for the victims killed by a student gunman at Virginia Tech in 2007. Some of the students held signs that read "More Guns, More Blood" and "Remember VT."
"The fact that the Texas gun lobby looks at the horror of the Virginia Tech tragedy as an opportunity to push its deadly agenda is utterly disgusting to those of us who lost loved ones in this tragedy, and to those who survived as well," Woods said.With all due respect to you and your experience, Mr. Woods, you carpetbagger, you can go to hell.