Monday, April 27, 2009

I bet Reid wasn't even aware...

...of the incongruity of his own words...

WASHINGTON — Everyone knows President Barack Obama can deliver a great speech, including the president himself, according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Reid, D-Nev., writes: "'That speech was phenomenal, Barack,' I told him. And I will never forget his response. Without the barest hint of braggadocio or conceit, and with what I would describe as deep humility, he said quietly: 'I have a gift, Harry.'"

Mmm-hmmm. More of those narcissistic tendencies, I suppose. Reid thinks Americans are going to swallow this crap? Call me crazy, but saying anything about your own gifts is a display of anything but humility, no matter how you say it. As for Americans taking those words without even a hint of doubt about the creature they put in the big chair...well, I'm sure many of them will, unfortunately. It goes back to that lack of critical thinking skills addressed in this space yesterday. And the destruction of the Founders' Republic proceeds right on schedule...