...the Houston Chronicle editorial board, that is...
Although the overwhelming evidence for global warming caused by human activity is based on long-term statistics rather than singular weather events, the current record-breaking heat wave should put Southeast Texans in the mood to consider the hazards posed by a warming globe and the pressing need for realistic solutions....that is, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Never mind that this so-called "crisis" is just the normal Southeast Texas summer. One wonders how the Chronsters actually know the bill was "riddled by compromises" considering said bill was nearly 1,500 pages long, with a 300-page amendment added to the bill the night before it was passed. Did they read the bill? In its entirety? I'm guessing they probably just cribbed that from some undelivered speeches from Northeastern or West Coast leftists. Or maybe some of the PR from the out-there environut groups like ELF. And I wonder, does that $175 a year also include the higher prices on everything from groceries to gasoline? I'm guessing the answer is no. I do hope the Republicans in the Senate still have the spine and the stones to filibuster this bill to death, but we'll see.
Even riddled with compromises by lawmakers beholden to coal, agriculture and oil and gas interests, the Clean Energy and Security Act still barely squeaked through the U.S. House by a 219-212 margin, with 44 Democrats defecting and only eight Republicans joining the majority.
Although Republicans have claimed the legislation will result in skyrocketing energy costs for consumers, estimates by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office put the price tag for the average household at $175 a year. Low-income families would actually see a $40 annual benefit.