Thursday, April 15, 2010

Naked bigotry? You be the judge.

...or, Hey, how about a good old fashioned game of word substitution? What would you think if you read the following statements in a news story?

“They are pushing the black (or Mexican) culture onto the community and the community is resisting,” said Ku Klux Klan spokesperson Karen Amtzen.


“They are pushing the Jew culture onto the community and the community is resisting,” said Liberty Lobby spokesperson Karen Amtzen.
“They are pushing the homosexual culture onto the community and the community is resisting,” said Westboro Baptist Church spokesperson Karen Amtzen.  
You'd probably think, "Wow, what a bigoted asshole," right? Well, how are the above statements really any different than this?
“They are pushing the gun culture onto the community and the community is resisting,” said Brady Campaign spokesperson Karen Amtzen.
Just one more example that Joe Huffman was on to something. Not that I ever thought he wasn't, but it's just really sad that some forms of bigotry are still socially acceptable in this country.