Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kelo and the slippery slope...

Bob S., in comments here, brings up an interesting point:

Something you said triggered a thought -- are we seeing the set up for the return of slavery? 

"After all, if the government can take your property and give it to another party because that other party's use of it supposedly benefits the public more than yours, do you really have any rights at all?" 

I thought about it in a different way and realized what shaky ground we are on legally. 
"After all, if the government can take THE RESULT OF YOUR LABOR and give it to another party because that other party's use of it supposedly benefits the public more than yours, do you really have any rights at all?" 

The basis of our current taxation scheme, right? The result of my labor -- earnings -- will benefit others  more then it benefits myself. 

Take it one step further and remove the results of my labor -- 

"After all, if the government can take YOUR LABOR and give it to another party because that other party's use of it supposedly benefits the public more than yours, do you really have any rights at all?" 

Slippery slope and all, but isn't that what Kelo came down to? That if others in general can benefit more by what I do, then I benefit, then I am a slave to them? 

Sure seems that way, doesn't it? We're already seeing ourselves sliding down that slippery slope in the health care debate, as so many on the left say people have a "right to affordable health care," which of course implies the obligation of some other party to provide said health care. That line of thinking, of course, completely disregards any sort of incentive on the part of said provider (as if there were one in the first place), and then where are we? Obligation plus no incentive plus government enforcement of obligation is indeed slavery. I don't really see "not having loaded government-wielded guns pointed at you" as any type of worthy incentive, because at that point your natural rights are already being violated; and respecting those basic rights is not an incentive. Respect of those basic rights is what is OWED to you as a human being NO MATTER the choices you make (if you follow our social contract and don't do things like rob, rape, murder or steal). And offering respect of those rights as an incentive of doing what Master Government tells you is anathema to every principle upon which this country was founded and for which so many have bled and died over the years. It'll be...interesting to see just how far down this slippery slope we go.