Friday, January 04, 2008

More Constitutional Ignorance...

...and this time, it's from the starboard side...

...mark me, if the Dems take hold like you say, the Militia will come back to life with a vengance.

That kind of talk is just silly. If democracy doesn’t deliver the results you want revolution and militias are the only logical action?

I don't know for sure that revolution would be the only logical action...but still the question needs to be asked. If the "democratic process" put into place a government that overstepped its boundaries any more than it already does -- if, for example, the execrable Dianne Feinstein got the bill passed that she wanted that said, "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in" -- what the hell other options are we left with? After all, that would be what "democracy" delivered! Does the phrase "tyranny of the majority" ring a bell to anyone? It's truly a frightening prospect to think what "democracy" could have gotten us had the American people woke the hell up in 1994 in the wake of Bill Clinton's so-called "assault weapons ban." I wasn't paying much attention to the gun culture back then, but I've heard it said more than once that the folks in power had the goal of at least partial door-to-door confiscation, and it wouldn't surprise me if they had ended up trying it. After all, we all remember what happened during the first two years of the Clinton administration. That's what "democracy" brought us. And it amazes me that some think we should have just sat back and taken that...