Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Interesting observations...but what else would he throw away?

...from David Horowitz, via Alexandra von Maltzan:

Obama was elected in large part by a leftist crusade for hope and "change." Now, as president-elect, he has just formed the most conservative Democratic foreign policy team since John F. Kennedy, one well to the right of Bill Clinton....What is more relevant in his Hillary Clinton pick: her prickly past or the fact that, except for Joe Lieberman, she is the Democrat most identified with support for the Iraq War?
Perhaps I should repeat that. Hillary Clinton is the Democrat MOST IDENTIFIED WITH REMOVING SADDAM HUSSEIN BY FORCE. She lost a presidency over it. So, whatever low opinion you may have about Hillary, on foreign policy she is the very best choice for that position that conservatives could expect to get. Even better, because the ONLY issue that really divided Hillary and Obama was the Iraq War. This is President Obama's way of saying, "Okay, now that I'm in office, I'm going to put my anti-war commitments aside and put the defense of the country first. And in case you didn't get that, I'm going to keep George Bush's Secretary of Defense in place, and I'm going to appoint a conservative Marine general as my National Security Advisor."
Maybe some conservatives out there have forgotten, but Clinton's Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, was an anti-Vietnam activist. So were his two National Security Advisers, Tony Lake and Sandy Berger. In fact, they met Clinton in the anti-war movement. Conservatives should be cheering right now, not chasing red herrings.

Interesting points, and I must admit I thought it was a bit odd that Obama would have brought all these older folks in as opposed to fresher blood as part of that whole "hope and change" mantra he used as his marketing slogan. One never knows. Maybe that pragmatism Obama claims to be instilled in him will impel him to keep his Attorney General pick and Congress off the backs of American gun owners. I am not holding my breath on that one, but one can always, um, hope.
What I found to be really unnerving, though, was this, in reference to Obama's birth certificate issue:
...please don't write me about the Constitution. The first principle of the Constitution is that the people are sovereign. What the people say, goes.

Um, pardon my french, but excuse the fuck me? What the people say goes, eh? Ultimately that's NOT what the Founders thought, why the hell do you think they established a republic, whose various minorities could be protected (and that's not necessarily racial minorities), as opposed to a pure democracy where, once again, if 51 percent of the people vote to strip the other 49 percent of their God-given rights then that's just too bad for them? The potential fallout of Obama being forced to step down might well be bad, but when we get down to the nut-cutting, it's far preferable to the alternative of the further undermining of the U.S. Constitution. If we throw that part of the Constitution out for the sake of political expediency, then what part of the Constitution is next? We all know that since Heller v. D.C. was handed down there have been calls from various corners for the repeal of the Second Amendment to facilitate the disarmament of American citizens for the sake of, again, political expediency. And Horowitz's apparent disregard for what's in the Constitution now would only make it easier to change the rest of what's in it that stands in the way of the leftist would-be social engineers about to take control of Washington. Freedom is going to be complicated sometimes, and it might even get messy, especially when it comes to maintaining the integrity of the Constitution and all the rights guaranteed therein...but the alternative of throwing it away just because people might get angry if certain parts of it were upheld, well, that just isn't right. Horowitz further argues that if an amendment doing away with the native-born requirement were put up for ratification it would have a good chance of passing. Well, if it does, then let Congress bring it up and let it be done as the Founding Fathers intended. Anything else would be an insult to them, and to all those who have fought and died in every war since to protect the republic and the laws that back it up.