Saturday, March 01, 2008

...this 'for teh childrenses' shtick is getting old...

It would seem Marian Wright Edelman thinks Washington, D.C.'s draconian gun laws should be upheld, for teh childrenses, of course...

This year, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to overturn a lower court decision striking down the District of Columbia’s 1976 handgun ban designed to reduce violent crime. If the Court reverses the lower court and upholds the ban, it will keep in place a crucial measure for the protection of the health and safety of our children in our nation’s capital, and in communities nationwide.

There are few things quite as disgusting as hiding the advocacy of one's agenda behind a pious concern for the health and well-being of innocents. But now that I think about it, I really don't think Marian Wright Edelman cares nearly as much about teh childrenses! as so many have been suckered into thinking she does. When one gets right down to it, the main reason kids get into trouble with guns -- defined as playing around and accidentally shooting a playmate or something of that nature -- is the fact that they're ignorant of guns, how they work, and the safety rules followed by millions of people who use guns on a regular basis. So one could argue that Marian Wright Edelman not only doesn't have a problem with kids being ignorant, she wants to keep them ignorant, and by extension dependent on into their adulthood on other people with guns to ride in and save them the day the wolf comes knocking at the door. If Marian Wright Edelman cared nearly as much about teh childrenses! as she likes to make people think she does, she would be advocating that kids be educated about the potential dangers of guns instead of being kept in the dark. Either way, she and those like her will have much to answer for.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention this:
It is important to note that the D.C. ban does not prohibit shotguns or rifles.
I find it...interesting that Ms. Edelman did not find it important to note that D.C. regulations mandate the shotguns and rifles be unloaded, disassembled and locked up in D.C. subjects' homes, thereby preventing those arms from being used as they were intended to be. But that would have been the honest thing to do, which is of course far beyond the ken of a gun grabber...

(h/t Rustmeister)