Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stampede of the RINOs, and A Potential Bona-Fide SHTF Moment On the Horizon

Well, maybe not a stampede, but they're certainly making their insidious presence known...
First off, of course, we had Mike Bloomberg's "gun summit" in New York City, and now we have this...

The Brady Campaign has announced that Paul Helmke will take over as their president. He replaces former Congressman Michael Barnes. Helmke was mayor of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and lost in the congressional primary against Rep. Souter. Basically, their leadership is changing from an antigun Democrat to an antigun Republican.

And that last thing is the long and short of it, really -- from a wolf, to a wolf in sheep's clothing. I am not sure what percentage of the nation's 80 million gun owners are single-issue voters, and how many of them make gun control that single issue, but mark my words -- if the Democrats ever pull their heads out of their asses on the gun issue and finally see the Bradys and their ilk for the tyrant enablers that they are, then the Republicans are in for a very unpleasant surprise, especially when one takes into account the Republican base's disiillusionment and dissatisfaction with the batch of Republicans in power in Washington. But chances are the Donks will continue marching in lockstep with the gun-grabbers...and if there's any truth whatsoever to the rumors commented on at this post at Firehand's place, we could be in for some big, big would be the New Orleans gun confiscations writ large all across the country, a bona-fide SHTF moment with even less justification than NOLA (which is to say, less than zero justification). It worries and scares me...there has been much discussion about what would happen if it did come down to such a moment. Would law enforcement and/or military personnel actually go from door-to-door, nationwide, disarming law-abiding citizens as would be mandated by the law Firehand discusses? There's been discussion about it on the forums at The High Road, and many have stated flat out that they wouldn't allow it to happen, that they would band together with fellow gun owners and promise armed response to whoever came to take their guns. So what we could be looking at is Waco and New Orleans, rolled into one, all across the country, another potential civil war if we gun owners ante up as our fellow Americans decide to forcibly disarm us. I hope we don't see it...but the possibilities frighten me. In looking at the gun control agenda's advancement to the point it has, and looking at the fine mess the Pachyderm Party has gotten us into, I can only recall the words of one Winston Churchill...
"...if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

What are our chances? Who the hell knows at this point? The NRA says, "Remember New Orleans." They would do well to remember those words. We all would. Pray for our Republic, dear readers...She faces potentially dark days ahead.