Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bigotry In Unexpected Places

Just for grins, see if you can guess where these comments are from, regarding Mitt Romney's supposed "support" for the RKBA ...

All guns should be registered and tracked and states should have concealed-carry permits. This is a reasonable compromise between allowing citizens to defend themselves and letting lethal weapons flow into society untracked.
But don’t take nobody’s guns no ways folks. It’s a mai right ta own a gun whut can take out a buffalo from 200 yards. Don’t impinge on my rights no ways.

The purpose of firearms is to protect your family from all forces forign and domestic. They are designed for defense, not vigilante justice. One man with a gun and unhealthy fear of the government (as opposed to a healthy fear) hardly represents a well-regulated militia.
Civilians must have access to guns that serve the purpose of protecting their family. That does not mean we should have machine guns on a rack at the local Walmart.

I see the Governemt (sic) Fearing Wussies have found this thread. Oh well. I’ll leave you guys to your craziness.

The problem with people like quax is that they psychologically project their own problems onto others while they have “Big Bertha,” a sawed-off shotgun, and “The Equalizer,” a military surplus grenade launcher at the ready next to their computer stand in case “The Man” comes with “his jive” to take their “precious babies” away.

Why do you need to fire many shots at night with a reduced profile? Unless you’re hiding in a treehouse waiting for the Gubmint to come git yer guns, that is…

The Daily Kos? The Democratic Underground? Nope, straight from teh Party apparatchiks at Hot Air. To be fair a lot of others did call the jackasses who made the above comments out to the the anti-freedom bigots they are (Bob Owens got some masterful shots in), but I must say it was quite sickening to see such short-sighted rhetoric there. Who knew so-called centrists could be as bigoted as the raving leftist moonbats they deride so?
As for what they were commenting on, well, just see for yourself...
Mitt Romney: I would have supported the original assault weapon ban. I signed an assault weapon ban in Massachusetts governor because it provided for a relaxation of licensing requirements for gun owners in Massachusetts, which was a big plus. And so both the pro-gun and the anti-gun lobby came together with a bill, and I signed that. And if there is determined to be, from time to time, a weapon of such lethality that it poses a grave risk to our law enforcement personnel, that’s something I would consider signing. There’s nothing of that nature that’s being proposed today in Washington. But, but I would, I would look at weapons that pose extraordinary lethality…

Weapons that pose extraordinary lethality. Wow, such objective criteria! I wonder if Mitt would include that Glock 9mm pistol he owns under that umbrella. After all, we all know what that piece of human refuse did at Virginia Tech with that very weapon back in April. And this Northeastern lefty gun-banning bigot is a front-runner for the GOP nomination for president? Disgusting, just absolutely disgusting...