Monday, May 18, 2009

Whatever you say, Josh...

Sugarmann, that is...

"If you compare the pro-gun activity in the blogosphere versus the pro-gun-control activity, the scales have just tipped tremendously in their favor," says Josh Sugarmann, founder of the Violence Policy Center in Washington, which advocates for more gun control in the US. "There's much more engagement, more involvement, and they clearly have more free time than people on our side of the issue do."

I wonder if he ever stopped to think we were more engaged because of what he and his kind want to take away from us. And whatever our advantage of free time might be (I'm guessing it's probably not much considering we all have real jobs), it's clearly outweighed by things like the Illinois Department of Child Protective Services with the encouragement of rogue clerics using taxpayer money to bus students to anti-gun demonstrations. I wonder why it is that he failed to mention that?
(h/t Robb)