Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well played, Mr. Gurwitz.

Jonathan Gurwitz has a real barn-burner of a column today:

A moral imperative. A noble struggle against greedy corporate interests. A costly problem that particularly afflicts poor families, exacerbates unemployment, reduces productivity and undermines the national economy. A solution so virtuous it requires a universal mandate.

Health care reform? No. Prohibition.
I never thought of comparing those agitating for healthcare reform to Carrie Nation and her gang of vandals, but he's absolutely right here. In a way the Democrats are even worse, though, because the self-righteous prohibitionist thugs from the early 20th century weren't (in effect) telling members of a certain profession they had an obligation to provide their labors to the public, much less at a price that was ostensibly lower than what the free market had to pay.

At any rate, read the whole thing. The comments are pretty good, too, though I did get a kick out of this one:

"The teaparty opposition to healthcare reform reminds me of the civil rights struggle of the 1960's--the same hateful outcry and threats of violence from sore losers who fear the loss of their privileges."

Loss of WHAT privileges? I am reminded of the dumbass who quoted Bob Dylan in the letters to the editor in the Express-News one day a few weeks back who made about as much sense. Apparently they didn't teach hippies about non sequiturs in school.