Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Pardon my cynicism...

...but once again, this is pure idealist fantasy:

With President Barack Obama presiding, the U.N. Security Council on Thursday unanimously endorsed a sweeping strategy aimed at halting the spread of nuclear weapons and ultimately eliminating them, to usher in a world with "undiminished security for all."

What do you say to that? I'm sure the Israelis are saying, "that sure sounds good, but it's so easy for you to say because you don't have a genocidal maniac living practically next door." Reading on down in that story reveals that Israel rejects the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, as well they should. And maybe it's the cynic in me coming out here too, but I just don't believe the Libyan U.N. ambassador's plea had nearly as much to do with "fairness" as it does making sure the Israelis can't strike back with any kind of significant force if and when the Iranians launch a first strike on them. But better to be a cynic than a starry-eyed idealist, no? I would think being the former gives you a much better chance of staying alive in this day and age, but maybe that's just me.