Monday, February 19, 2007

A Good Idea

Yes, friends, Lady Tam has the right idea...

I may have mentioned that I buy a box of .22LR ammunition pretty much every day.

I think that today I'll be buying some Remington.
I can't do it till later in the week, but one o' them big ole 250-round value packs of .45acp is in my immediate future. Remington deserves to be rewarded; they stepped up in a big way for gun owners today.
And as Fits reports, it looks like Mr. Zumbo might just lose yet another sponsorship:
While we fully support Mr. Zumbo’s First Amendment right of free speech, we believe his opinions on this matter are counter to those shared by Cabela’s and many of our customers. Cabela’s Legal Department is currently reviewing contractual obligations and commitments regarding our sponsorship of the Jim Zumbo Outdoors television show.

No doubt it's been a hell of a Monday for Mr. Zumbo. It'll be interesting to see how long he stays in the Outdoor Life stable. Anybody wanna put a wager? By the end of the week, maybe even next?